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Why Choose Senderra Specialty Pharmacy

Why Choose Senderra Specialty Pharmacy

Senderra's continuing promise to those we serve and partner with is to demonstrate and deliver the kind of care that makes a difference.

Meet Nancy Crowell, Senior Vice President of Operations for Senderra, the largest national independent full-service specialty pharmacy.

"We have a dedicated team ready to help you at any time.
At Senderra, caring for you is our specialty".


Senderra Specialty Services

We’ve modeled the way we operate around the needs of those who we serve - people with ongoing (sometimes life-altering) medical conditions.

By leveraging our technological platform and Physician Portal, CarePath, and working with others in the healthcare continuum (managed care, doctors, nurses, and drug manufacturers), we reach better outcomes for you.

At Senderra, we offer the following specialty services which set us apart from the rest:

  • Core Services are designed to fully support you in getting the information, support, and appropriate medications according to your needs.
  • Financial Assistance which helps with enrollment in programs dedicated to financial assistance with specific specialty medications.
  • Enhanced Services & Programs, which helps you by sourcing and facilitating enrollment in support programs.
  • Senderra also provides free shipping overnight (if necessary) to ensure you get your medications on time.

Senderra is a NASP Partner

Senderra is a proud partner with the National Association of Speciality Pharmacy (NASP). The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) is the unified voice of specialty pharmacies and is the only non-profit national association representing ALL specialty pharmacy industry stakeholders.

NASP elevates the practice of specialty pharmacy by developing, delivering, and promoting continuing professional education and specialty certification while advocating for public policies that ensure patients have appropriate access to specialty medications in tandem with critical services.

Contact Senderra Specialty Pharmacy

As a national specialty pharmacy, Senderra offers specialized treatments (with our new state-of-the-art facility) and funding assistance for patients with severe, chronic conditions. We leverage our unique technological platform, CarePath, to work with patients and physicians to ensure a streamlined and simplified process, exceeding top standards and providing reliable services to our patients, prescribers, and partners.

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About Senderra

Senderra-Logo_Mark-Only_COLOR-1Senderra is a national specialty pharmacy, serving patients with challenging and ongoing medical conditions through provision of specialty medicationsclinical expertise and support services.

We dedicate ourselves to designing and executing a model to serve the needs of our patients and partners (PrescribersPharma and Payers) in order to make a difference and effect positive outcomes.

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