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Senderra Institute

Senderra Specialty Pharmacy


An Introduction to the Business of Specialty Pharmacies

A customized, single-day, comprehensive class held at Senderra headquarters in Dallas, Texas.

Senderra Institute is a from-the-top-down insider's look at how a successful specialty pharmacy operates, how it benefits its stakeholder groups, and how its principal partners in the pharmaceutical industry can leverage what a specialty pharmacy has to offer.

Led and presented by Senderra's senior leadership, Senderra Institute is everything you need to know about specialty pharmacies in the context of your own needs, concerns, and priorities as someone who shapes outcomes in your pharmaceutical organization.

Maximize Your Brand

Here's what to expect.

This course has been created by experts with backgrounds in pharma manufacturing, specialty pharmacy, retail and pharmacy operations.


Attendees significantly improve their understanding of how to use specialty pharmacy partners to benefit your pharmaceutical product lines, planning and organization.


Learn how to improve your performance and brand, what tools are offered and how to leverage specialty pharmacies to improve new product launches and introductions.


An insider's look at how a specialty pharmacy operates, how it benefits its stakeholder groups and how its principal partners leverage what a specialty pharmacy has to offer.



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